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Mentors will critically evaluate the impact of their mentoring practice on the mentee throughout the mentoring journey from start to finish.

Learning Objectives

Evaluate the effectiveness of the mentoring experience with the mentee and collect constructive feedback via questionnaires or one to one and group discussions.


Completed questionnaires and recording of discussion

Appraise own role in the mentoring process by revisiting individual learning agreement with the mentee to discuss whether expectations have been met and aims and objectives achieved. Provide constructive feedback and assess what was learned in addition to aims and objectives outlined in learning agreement.


Self-assessment, feedback (questionnaires etc.), learning agreement

Based on feedback from the mentee and others devise a realistic continuous professional development (CPD) plan which sets out short, medium, and long term SMART goals in relation to own mentoring practice..


Copy of continuous professional development plan which outlines goals and how to achieve them

Appraise own role in the mentoring process by revisiting mentoring plan with the mentee to discuss whether expectations have been met and aims and objectives achieved.


Self-assessment and feedback (questionnaires etc.)

Provide constructive feedback and assess what was learned in addition to aims and objectives detailed in original mentoring plan.


Mentee self-assessment, recorded discussion, mentoring plan, learning agreement


Discuss with the mentee the skills, knowledge, experience, and capabilities developed during the mentoring journey

Reflect on own mentoring performance to identify those moments or interactions where an issue or situation with the mentee could have been approached differently or more effectively

Discuss with the mentee the effectiveness of the mentoring journey by revisiting the targets, goals and the mentee’s personal and professional ambitions set in the learning agreement and mentoring plan and whether these have been me


Create a safe and supportive space for the mentee to reflect on own journey and recognise own achievements

Assess own strengths and weaknesses as a mentor and demonstrate methods used to evaluate own practice

Analyse the impact the mentoring provided has had on a specific individual being mentored

Collect verbal and written feedback from the mentee

Assess whether the mentee is emotionally, professionally, and personally prepared to continue the learning journey outside the mentoring space.

Provide positive and constructive feedback to the mentee


Recognise the point at which the mentee has the personal, emotional, and professional resources to continue a journey of self-development independently

Assume responsibility for undertaking a self-assessment at the end of the mentoring period

Fulfil the responsibilities of the mentoring role both as described in own organisation’s codes of practice and ethics and as outlined in mentoring plan and individual learning agreement

Mapping to Key Competences for Lifelong Learning: A European Reference Framework

Personal, social and learning to learn competence, specifically,

  • “knowing one’s preferred learning strategies, knowing one’s competence development needs and various ways to develop competences and search for the education, training and career opportunities and guidance or support available”,
  • “able to identify and set goals, motivate themselves” and
  • “desire to apply prior learning and life experiences and the curiosity to look for opportunities to learn and develop in a variety of life contexts.”

Questions for Mentors working with Mentees in Unconventional Spaces

  • How has engaging in learning which takes place in an unconventional space helped the mentee develop their self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-esteem?
  • Has the space encouraged creativity on the part of the mentee?